Empty Force
The Alchemy of the Golden Elixir
Empty Force is a profound practice within the Tao KungFu System, deeply rooted in the ancient Taoist understanding of Qi energy. This unique discipline harnesses the power of saliva, regarded by Taoists as the "fountain of life," to collect and circulate Qi throughout the body. This sacred mixture of saliva and Qi, known as the "Golden Elixir," is revered as a potent source of vitality and spiritual transformation.
Modern Western science has begun to recognize the extraordinary complexity of saliva, which contains a rich array of substances essential for maintaining optimal health. Beyond its well-known roles in digestion, electrolyte balance, and oral health, saliva is instrumental in tissue maintenance, enamel maturation, acid neutralization, and even behavioral regulation. It moistens oral tissues, shields teeth from cavities, enhances speech, facilitates taste, and aids in swallowing—truly embodying the essence of life.
In Taoist tradition, the Golden Elixir, sometimes referred to as the nectar or water of life, is a powerful blend of saliva, hormonal fluids, and external essences. This alchemical fusion is believed to be a transformative force, essential for advanced spiritual practices and capable of healing a wide range of ailments. Some Taoist texts even advocate swallowing saliva up to 1,000 times a day as a method for deep spiritual cultivation and holistic healing.